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Concert: Kruzenshtern & Parohod

Concert: Kruzenshtern & Parohod
Start date 2014-07-12
Start time 21:30
Location Plac Zamkowy
Kategoria Koncert

Kruzenshtern & Parohod
Led by charismatic Igor Krutogolov, this Tel Aviv-based band is a genuine stage dynamo and dynamite in one. Self-avowed practitioners of Klezmercore, they play a stunning mixture of Klezmer music, rock, punk, jazz and improvised music. They are, in a nutshell, a phenomenon that cannot be missed.
Imagine a line-up consisting of a clarinetist, a bass player, a percussionist and an accordionist. Add Krutogolov’s signature vocals (the vocalist sings also with Igor Krutogolov’s Karate Band and with Toy Orchestra) and you will hear the inimitable music of Kruzenshtern & Parohod.

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