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Oratorio: "Stories from the Night" ("Opowieści z Nocy")

Oratorio: "Stories from the Night" ("Opowieści z Nocy")
Start date 2015-02-22
Start time 17:00
Location Ośrodek "Brama Grodzka - Teatr NN", ul. Grodzka 21

"Stories from the Night" ("Opowieści z Nocy") treat of the Holocaust. They talk about very concrete events that their witnesses cannot and do not want to forget. We would like our viewers to remember them likewise.
Script and direction - Tomasz Pietrasiewicz
Music - Robert Brzozowski
lecturer - Witold Dąbrowski,
viola - Marian Pędzisz,
double bass - Robert Brzozowski

Free admission

To book your complimentary ticket, call 81 5325867.


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