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Concert: Edyta Geppert

Concert: Edyta Geppert
Start date 2015-03-22
Start time 17:00
Location Centrum Kongresowe Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego, ul. Akademicka 15
Kategoria Koncert

Edyta Geppert is known for the meticulous attention to detail and her fruitful collaboration with top Polish poets, lyricists and songwriters, including Magda Czapińska, Agnieszka Osiecka, Jacek Cygan, Marek Dagnan, Jerzy Ficowski, Jonasz Kofta, Wojciech Młynarski, Andrzej Poniedzielski, Jan Kazimierz Siwek. The list of composers she has worked with is equally impressive: Henryk Alber, Włodzimierz Korcz, Seweryn Krajewski, and Andrzej Rybiński.

A few months ago Edyta Geppert started her latest collaboration, namely, with Vasie (Marcin Maroszek, Bartosz Pydynkowski, Maciej Regulski). The band's line-up (accordion and two guitars) allows the artist creative freedom on stage and is versatile enough to perform a vast repertoire of her classic songs.

Tickets: 100, 80, 70, 60 zł

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