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Concert: Natalia Przybysz „Prąd”

Concert: Natalia Przybysz „Prąd”
Start date 2015-04-15
Start time 17:00
Kategoria Koncert

Concert: Natalia Przybysz „Prąd”

To Natalia Natu Przybysz, the point of departure when she commenced work on her next record was “Niebieski” (“Blue”), a song included on her previous album entitled “Kozmic Blues Tribute to Janis Joplin”. As before, on her current LP the artist continues the musical trajectory focusing on the blues and the 1960s rock. “My encounter with the songs of Janis Joplin,” recounts Natalia Przybysz who wrote all the lyrics featured on the album, “enabled me to experience fire as one of the natural elements, which I now would never like to lose. I have come to the conclusion that I would like to sing about the darker sides of life, about the harsh reality we are subjected to on a daily basis, as I understand that the truth is powerful. The songs I am writing now are highly lyrical, personal and intimate. Sometimes, however, they are even dramatic, written as a result of strong emotions and mediation.”

The album was produced by Jurek Zagórski, the guitarist in her touring band.

The band's line-up:
Natalia Przybysz – vocals,
Jurek Zagórski – guitar,
Mateusz Waśkiewicz – guitar,
Filip Jurczyszyn – bass,
Hubert Zemler – percussion.

Tickets: I - 50 zł, II - 40 zł, III - 25 zł, standing – 15 zł (standing tickets are only available at the box office or through phone reservation.

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