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Eastern Express

Eastern Express
Start date 2015-07-09
Start time 17:00
Kategoria Koncert

Eastern Express
A series of meetings, discussions, Q & As with Eastern European writers, artists and intellectuals. One of the most prominent obstacles to the development of cultural cooperation, overcoming cultural barriers and disarming stereotypes regarding the culture of Eastern Europe is the language barrier. Although it does not constitute any major threat to other domains of cultural praxis (music, the visual arts), it does indeed dwarf the reception of literature as well as the broadly defined exchange of ideas. This year we would like to draw our (and the audience’s) attention to the Czech Republic and Armenia.
Additionally, as part of the series, Q & As with artists will be organised, offering audience members a chance to hear about their experience, reflections and inspirations.

„Music under special surveillance” – a meeting devoted to the Czech independent music scene
A discussion between Vladimir Drapal (Guerilla Records), Rafal Księżyk, Aleksander Kaczorowski, the musicians of the Plastic People of the Universe, DG 307 (Festival Club, the Green Area near the Lublin Castle).

When: 9 July 2015

Rafał Księżyk (born in 1970) – a journalist and a music critic. Since the early 90s he has been a part of the emerging new music and pop culture press. The co-author of Tomasz Stańko's autobiography "Desperado" (2010), Robert Brylewski's „Kryzys w Babilonie” (2012) and Tymon Tymański's ADHD (2013). The author of the essay „23 cięcia dla Williama S. Burroughsa” (2013). He is the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Playboy". He wrote about music in e.g. „Brum”, „Machina” and „Jazz Forum”.
Aleksander Kaczorowski - he studied sociology at the Institute of Sociology of the Warsaw University and Slavic studies at the Institute of Slavic Studies of WU (completed in 1998). He published a collection of essays „Praski elementarz" (Czarne 2001) and translations of books by Bohumil Hrabal (including "The Gentle Barbarian", 1997), Josef Škvorecký and Egon Bondy.
He worked in Gazeta Wyborcza. He was the deputy editor of Newsweek Poland. He worked in Forum, also as the deputy editor. However, he returned to Newsweek Poland as one of the deputies of the editor-in-chief. He published the book "Praskie Łowy" (Świat Książki).
Vladimir „Labus” Drapal - the founder and creator of the cult label "Guerilla Records." A notable figure on the Chech independent scene. A distinguished archivist, scholar and promoter of alternative music and art. In his label he publishes both new albums of the most interesting Czech bands, as well as re-editions of the cult albums by the Plastic People of the Universe, DG 307 and Pulnoc. He also specializes in recovering and restoring lost recordings and concerts. Vladimir Drapal is a valuable source of information on the Czech counterculture and underground scene of the last 50 years.

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