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Słabi prezenterzy: Music to listen to

Słabi prezenterzy: Music to listen to
Start date 2015-07-18
Start time 21:00
Kategoria Koncert

Who needs it?

"The whole culture of listening to records is something that I cannot get my head around really. What am I supposed to be looking at? When we are listening to records are we supposed to be staring at a wall? What do usually people do who buy records? Do they buy them, take them home and press play ... I mean, they can last for 74 minutes! Do they sit there for 74 minutes, they don't do the dishes, just sit and look at something, or close their eyes (...)"

Derek Bailey

Słabi Prezenterzy – a DJ collective from Lublin; music enthusiasts - primarily admirers of vinyl records, but do not shy away from CDs and cassette tapes.

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