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Accordion Orchestra “Rossini”

Accordion Orchestra “Rossini”
Start date 2018-08-24
Start time 18:00
Location Dom Kultury Lubelskiej Spółdzielni Mieszkaniowej, ul. Konrada Wallenroda 4a
Organizer Dom Kultury Lubelskiej Spółdzielni Mieszkaniowej
Participation paid
Cost of participation 20 zł
Kategoria Koncert

Accordion Orchestra "Rossini" was founded as a musical association in Santa Giustina (Belluno) in 1982 under the direction of Maestro Ernesto Bellus. It consists of 25 instrumentalists from the local academy. The activity carried out by the ensemble was and still is very intense. They perform in Italy, in various European countries, in North and South America. The concerts are always very popular with the audience and receive flattering opinions of critics for a wide spectrum of the repertoire, from the music of Baroque to Romanticism, from classical operas and symphonic transcriptions to popular and entertainment music. The orchestra participated in national and international competitions, festivals and master classes, receiving well-deserved prizes. They played in St. Peter's Square in Rome for Saint John Paul II. They appeared on two television programs: "Maurizio Costanzo Show" on Channel 5 and "Uno Mattina" on Rai Uno. The city administration of Milan awarded the orchestra with the prestigious Ambrogino d'Oro prize in 1985. In 1995, the Maestro Ernesto Bellus founded A Life for Music award under the patronage of the city administration of Santa Giustina. This award is given annually to people who devote their passion and love to music in a non-professional way for at least 50 years. Since 1996, Ernesto Bellus has been organizing the International Accordion Festival in Belluno Province inviting the best performers from the international music scene. In September 2002, he successfully organized the 52nd Accordion World Cup in Belluno, featuring 40 participants from 15 countries. In January 2015 during the Great Music Gala the Rossini orchestra celebrated with pride 50 years of uninterrupted musical activity of the maestro at the Municipal Theatre in Belluno. In 2016, the Rossini Fisorchestra took part in the annual Irish Open Accordion Festival in Ireland. The accordion ensemble " Rossini Junior," which consists of six young musicians, won the first prize for ensemble music.

Maestro ERNESTO BELLUS is a graduate of the Lanaro Academy in Rome in accordion and of the conservatory in Padua with specialization in choral music and conducting. He is the founder and conductor of the Fisorchestra Rossini with which he has performed in Italy, in various European countries, in North and South America, winning many awards. He studied conducting under Maestro Ludmila Desceva and conducted many ensembles including the Sophie chamber orchestra. He sits as a jury member in international competitions and festivals. He is the director and founder of the Rossini Academy, a music school that operates in several places in Belluno Province. In 2015, he celebrated his golden anniversary with wonderful music presented during the concert which took place on January 5 at Belluno Theatre. Member of the National Board of the Accordion Teachers Association, he helped to incorporate the accordion into curricula of state music conservatories.

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