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Agata Zbylut – Pańcia

Agata Zbylut – Pańcia
Start date 2018-09-15
Ending date 2018-10-12
Location Centrum Kultury w Lublinie, ul. Peowiaków 12 | Galeria Biała
Organizer Centrum Kultury w Lublinie
Participation for free

Awareness of one’s gender, cultural and social stereotypes about women, the inevitability of passing away are some of the subjects touched upon by Agata Zbylut. The exhibition presents a wide spectrum of the artist’s activity in all exhibition halls of Biała Gallery. Alongside the artist’s earlier projects, the show will premiere a series of works created as a result of aesthetic medicine treatments.

The exhibition is open until October 10th, from Monday to Saturday between 12 pm and 6 pm.


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