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Akkas, Motankas, Kostromas, Puppets. The Magic of Dolls

Akkas, Motankas, Kostromas, Puppets. The Magic of Dolls
Start date 2018-09-15
Ending date 2018-10-31
Location Dworek Kościuszków w Ogrodzie Botanicznym UMCS (wejście od ul. Willowej)
Participation paid
Cost of participation PLN 8 (regular) / PLN 4 (reduced)

Maria Curie Sklodowska University in Lublin invites you to exhibition "Akkas, Motankas, Kostromas, Puppets. The Magic of Dolls," held at the Kosciuszko Manor House in the MCSU Botanical Garden (entrance from Willowa St.) The exhibits on display were created by Dr. Alina Orłowska, Associate Professor, MCSU.

Before they became toys, dolls were an important element of ceremonial practices and magical rituals, transferring the memory of culture from one generation to another. They were assigned different properties: they could protect man against evil powers, illnesses or unhappiness, and ensure the achievement of desired results. Talisman dolls were carefully stored and guarded. Magic dolls were made without using sharp objects (needles, scissors, objects that could hurt) from scraps of fabrics and fibres related to the human body (worn clothes) or from plants: birch bark, cones, moss etc. They had no eyes, mouth, nose, ears so that they could keep the secret – the intention of their maker. Today, traditional dolls are an invaluable source of knowledge about ancient beliefs, magical practices and the culture of a nation.

The exhibition features many types of traditional dolls, including guardian and ritual dolls; dolls made of plants; as well as puppets used in fair and ritual theatres.

The exhibition is on display until the end of October 2018.


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