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Art Ingredients – an interactive exhibition for children

Art Ingredients – an interactive exhibition for children
Start date 2018-05-26
Start time 12:00
Ending date 2018-07-19
Ending time 19:00
Location Galeria Labirynt, ul. ks. J. Popiełuszki 5
Organizer Galeria Labirynt
Participation for free

Artists: Basia Bańda i Tomasz Relewicz, Alicja Bielawska, Zuzanna Czebatul, Michał Frydrych, Barbara Gryka, Mateusz Kula, Sarah Evelyn Marsh, Aleka Polis, Kamil Stańczak 
Curated by: Anna Szary, Agata Sztorc

An exhibition usually consists of complete, defined pieces which leave no space for the viewers’ motion or the latter is considerably limited. What would happen if art works were placed in the hands of children? Can the exhibition evolve in time, develop, interact with the space of the gallery? What is really necessary for the exhibition to come into being and can one define what are the ‘ingredients of art’ referred to in the title?

The exhibition is a kind of experiment: the art works are to be an impulse triggering the action, they shall encourage the viewers to play with their form or alter their message. During the accompanying workshops, the youngest visitors will discuss the creative process – what it really is, can it be reversed and if so then what happens if we return to the starting point once again.

The pieces on display were created with children visitors in mind. At the exhibition they shall have an opportunity to not only see unique and mysterious objects and sculptures, but also alter the works’ forms and rearrange them in the gallery’s pace.

The exhibition is open until July 19, 2018 (from Tuesday to Sunday between 12 pm and 7 pm).


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