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Becoming Astrid

Becoming Astrid
Start date 2018-12-01
Start time 17:30
Location Dzielnicowy Dom Kultury SM "Czechów", ul. Kiepury 5A
Participation paid
Kategoria Film

Dir. Pernille Fischer Christensen, Sweden, Denmark 2018 (123’)

The film depicts the early years of Swedish author Astrid Lindgren, the world's third most-translated children's writer, credited for more than 100 books, including "Pippi Longstocking" and "The Six Bullerby Children." We meet Astrid when she receives birthday wishes sent by children from all over the country. The novelist goes back in time to her young days, remembering how she started working for a local newspaper and at the same time became entangled in an affair with her much older superior. "Becoming Astrid" is not only a biography of the popular writer, it is primarily a story about the fate of an independent woman who wants to live on her own terms and have the opportunity to develop her extraordinary literary talent.

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