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Drama Reading Room Theatre – Meaninglessness, a Little Angel, a Giraffe and a Stool

Drama Reading Room Theatre – Meaninglessness, a Little Angel, a Giraffe and a Stool
Start date 2018-10-19
Start time 11:30
Location Centrum Kultury w Lublinie, ul. Peowiaków 12
Organizer Centrum Kultury w Lublinie
Participation paid
Cost of participation 10/25 zł

Written by: Marta Guśniowska
Directed by: Daniel Adamczyk 

"If anything bad may happen to anyone, it always happen to her – such is the ‘charm’ of the Giraffe," says Chameleon cheerfully. The giraffe is unlucky since she remembers, and the animals of all Africa hide from her to avoid some trouble or greater misfortune ... One day, however, something unexpected happens and the Giraffe gets to know exceptional companions who do not consider her a ball and chain. Together they set off on a journey ... A cheerful and wise story about friendship and searching for the meaning of life. For audiences aged 3–93 years. 

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