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Ewa Błaszczyk – Oriana Fallaci. The Moment I Died: A Monodrama

Ewa Błaszczyk – Oriana Fallaci. The Moment I Died: A Monodrama
Start date 2018-05-26
Start time 19:00
Location Teatr Stary w Lublinie, ul. Jezuicka 18
Organizer Teatr Stary w Lublinie
Participation paid
Cost of participation I - 70 zł, II - 50 zł, III – 35 zł, stojące - 15 zł

Written by: Remigiusz Grzela  
Directed and performed by: Ewa Błaszczyk  

Running time: 70 minutes without interval

The spectacle will be followed by a meeting with the creators.  
Host: Łukasz Drewniak

A monodrama by Ewa Błaszczyk about the person and work of legendary Italian journalist, reporter and writer Oriana Fallaci. Fallaci conducted uncompromising interviews with the most powerful politicians, was a war correspondent, and in the last years of her journalistic activity stirred up controversy for her harsh criticism of Islam. Ewa Błaszczyk's monodrama is primarily inspired by the journalist’s Letter to a Child Never Born, in which Fallaci speaks in a personal tone about her experiences not only as a journalist but also as a woman who struggles with the problem of death of her loved ones. Ewa Błaszczyk captures the character of the title heroine in an unusual way, not only creating her physical portrait but also giving voice to the thoughts and emotions of Oriana Fallaci.

Wojciech Majcherek

One of the most expressive and "heard" journalists of her time, Fallaci always explained that she writes about war, because war reveals the true face of people. She exposes their beauty and ugliness, cowardice and courage. She used to say that she could understand people better at war than at peace. The monodrama was also inspired by personal fragments of her Letter to A Child Never Born. A painful conversation with someone who never existed. This time it is her personal war. The protagonist talks about herself "at the moment when she died," at the moment of transition. She talks about these most difficult experiences not only as a revolutionary but also as a woman.

Premiere: 24 November 2017, from series: Acting Initiatives Studio.


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