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Jacek Sienkiewicz

Jacek Sienkiewicz
Start date 2018-10-07
Start time 20:00
Location Centrum Kultury w Lublinie, ul. Peowiaków 12
Organizer Centrum Kultury w Lublinie
Participation for free

Jacek Sienkiewicz is probably the most ambiguous figure on the Polish electronic music scene. Despite running his own label for nearly twenty years and publishing award-winning recordings in many European labels, he somehow manages to follow his own path towards a very personal vision of contemporary electronic music. Spacious compositions based on harmonic drones and extremely weighted melodies mark the next stage of his work, which is manifested at its best during live performances. Together with Max Lodembauer, Sienkiewicz opened the Berlin festival of electronic experimental music, Atonal, in 2015. The artist has already played at Lublin’s Centre for Culture twice. This year he will present at the Festival his ambient incarnation with previously unreleased material.

Jacek Sienkiewicz’ s concert will be preceded by a live act from FOQL & Copy Corpo.

FOQL & Copy Corpo – an improvised audiovisual project by Justyna Banaszczyk and Darek Pietraszewski, based on the synergy of analogue sound and image. Rhythmic electronics, field recording and music from audio tapes enclosed in organic sounds, immersed in colour-saturated visualizations and aesthetics of analogue glitch and psychedelia. In their activities, the artists often use a system of transparent screens, giving their performances a more spatial and performative character.

The event is part of the  23rd Theatre Confrontations Festival >>>


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