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Juliusz Osterwa Theatre in Lublin – Three Sisters

Juliusz Osterwa Theatre in Lublin – Three Sisters
Start date 2018-10-13
Start time 17:30
Location Teatr im. Osterwy, ul. Narutowicza 17
Organizer Centrum Kultury w Lublinie
Participation paid
Cost of participation 30/25/20 zł

The protagonists of Three Sisters – Olga, Masha and Irina, daughters of a high-rank army officer, fantasise about a different life in Moscow which to them is the symbol of a better, utopian reality. The rhythm of their world is set by successive war interventions resulting in the arrivals and departures of the local garrison. In the background of the events described, lurks the upcoming war with Japan and the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. What is more, Chekhov’s characters are hindered by the sentimental and emotional conveniences they must obey. This timeless cliché of a drawing-room from the end of the 19th century produced numerous equally “universal” and clichéd interpretations of Chekhov’s plays.

The creators of the play desire to return to the intentions of the author. What really comes to the front in his works is the critical view of the contemporary socio-political situation and radical opposition to hypocrisy, the love of comfort and stupidity of the elites that do not appreciate the importance of their social role and the duties that it carries.

Runtime: 130 mins

The event is part of the  23rd Theatre Confrontations Festival >>>


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