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Katarzyna Weremko – Disorder

Katarzyna Weremko – Disorder
Start date 2018-04-27
Ending date 2018-06-04
Location DDK SM "Czechów", ul. Kiepury 5A
Organizer Galeria Pomost oraz DDK SM "Czechów"
Participation for free

Pomost Gallery and the District Cultural Centre "Czechów" cordially invite you to an exhibition of photographs by Katarzyna Weremko, "Disorder. " The photographs are on display until June 4.

Katarzyna Weremko is a graduate of the Lublin School of Art and Design and the Lublin School of Photography. The project titled "Disorder" is a travel journal. However, it is not a record of journeys to distant lands or continents, rather a trip to the darkest corners of the soul. It is an attempt to face the demons of the past, and perhaps even those which are still unconsciously present. "Disorder" is a very personal project, even intimate, sometimes verging on exhibitionism. The programme of the opening event includes a video installation from the artist’s latest project "Body Bag."

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