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Komuna/Warszawa – 7 Songs of Avant-Garde

Komuna/Warszawa – 7 Songs of Avant-Garde
Start date 2018-10-13
Start time 22:00
Location Sala Czarna Galerii Labirynt, ul. Popiełuszki 5
Organizer Centrum Kultury w Lublinie
Participation paid
Cost of participation 20/30 zł

A joint project between Komuna/Warszawa and the Theatre Institute is a return to the stage aesthetics and manifestos of the 1920s. It’s an elegy, but also a hymn to the avant-garde. In theatrical reconstructions of 20th century set designs and the demands of artists from those times, the creators are looking for an answer to the question: what was the avant-garde? Drawing a vision of a better world? An objection, or perhaps an escape from the rushing steamroller of history?

In “7 Songs of Avant-Garde” the Komuna/Warszawa artists perform a symbolic reconstruction of set design. The stage aesthetics characteristic of the days of avant-garde help evoke the ideas that it were crucial to that movement. It is also so in the context of political engagement, destroying the theatrical illusion and direct conversation between the creators and the audience.

Runtime: 50 min

The event is part of the  23rd Theatre Confrontations Festival >>>


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