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Komuna/Warszawa – Holiday Resort

Komuna/Warszawa – Holiday Resort
Start date 2018-10-11
Start time 18:00
Location Sala Czarna Galerii Labirynt, ul. Popiełuszki 5
Organizer Centrum Kultury w Lublinie
Participation paid
Cost of participation 20/30 zł

In the new reality, in the place where currently there is an avant-garde theatre scene, a Holiday Resort has been created – one of the places of relaxation and socialization set up thanks to the National Programme of Collective Recreation. The resort, like all other facilities of this type, meets the desires that accompany every citizen. A need to be left in peace, not engaging in other people’s business, taking care of your own interests and comfort. Staying at the centre helps one forget all that is unpleasant, and find one’s hidden needs.

Runtime: 70 mins 

The event is part of the  23rd Theatre Confrontations Festival >>>


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