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Kostov /Pańta /Konrad TRIO

Kostov /Pańta /Konrad TRIO
Start date 2018-05-16
Start time 19:00
Location Teatr Stary w Lublinie, ul. Jezuicka 18
Organizer Teatr Stary w Lublinie
Participation paid
Cost of participation I - 50 zł, II - 40 zł, III – 25 zł, stojące - 15 zł
Kategoria Koncert

Konstantin Kostov – piano 
Paweł Pańta – double bass  
Cezary Konrad – drums

Kostov Pańta Konrad Trio is a classic jazz trio with a Bulgarian piano virtuoso and the Polish rhythm section that has won the Grammy Award for the album Night in Calisia by Randy Brecker and Włodek Pawlik Trio.

The musicians perform their own works, jazz standards and transcriptions of compositions by Albinioni and Fredric Chopin. The idea of their sound is very interesting for both performers and listeners, with double bass made equal to piano as a melodic instrument, and percussion which performs a rhythmic and solo function. The artists have created an intriguing musical image filled with expression, lyricism and thrilling improvisation. Their album will move both sophisticated enthusiasts of music and people looking for a new quality in jazz music.

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