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Little Circus: Oriental Bowls

Little Circus: Oriental Bowls
Start date 2018-10-13
Start time 10:30
Location Dzielnicowy Dom Kultury "Węglin", ul. Judyma 2a
Organizer Dzielnicowy Dom Kultury „Węglin”
Participation paid
Cost of participation 15 zł od Dziecka. Rodzic – wstęp wolny

The expedition to the remote corners of the world continues. This time we will set out on a journey to the Far East where you will learn the uses of the circus plate. You will play a few dynamic games among rice fields and check if the famous genie really lives in the lamp!

Instructors: Marcin Borkowski, Katarzyna Kurowska 
Cost: PLN 15 per child (free admission for parents)

Marcin Borkowski is a circus artist, animator of free time, enthusiast of New Circus. He won the third place award at the 2nd Polish Competition of New Circus Etudes "Circulation" and the main prize in a competition for Lublin students, Open Stage 2013. He took part in the International Fair EXPO 2015 in Milan, 17th Polish Circus Meetings in Brodnica, 5th Festival of Street Art Na Bruku in Zamość. Since 2010, he has been cooperating with Sztukmistrze Foundation as an artist and juggling instructor.

Katarzyna Kurowska is a culture animator, she gained her skills by taking part in many projects and trainings organized by the Polish Association of Teachers and Animators KLANZA NZA. She mastered her skills under the supervision of experts in Germany and Poland in projects devoted to the Circus Pedagogy method. Currently, she runs workshops for over 25 groups of children in Lublin’s kindergartens and schools. She is a member of the Heureka Generator Society and runs workshops in international projects where she can share her passion.

Project Little Circus is part of the educational series Dziecinada. This time, the programme is addressed for children aged 4-5 years and their parents. The meetings will start with interesting and dynamic games that will warm up participants and, among others, increase their space orientation skills. Another item on the agenda of each meeting is an interactive mini-demonstration of the equipment that we will use for training later. The classes will be conducted by the Circus Pedagogy method, hence the learning of all tricks will be divided into small stages.

The project is run in collaboration with the Polish Association of Teachers and Animators KLANZA under the media sponsorship of


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