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Lub-Smyki: Princess Muzalinda in the Kingdom of Santa Claus

Lub-Smyki: Princess Muzalinda in the Kingdom of Santa Claus
Start date 2018-12-09
Start time 10:00
Location Filharmonia Lubelska im. Henryka Wieniawskiego
Participation paid
Cost of participation PLN 30

Princess Muzalinda in the Kingdom of Santa Claus

Written and Directed by: Ewa Szawłowska 
Music Director: Monika Polaczek-Przestrzelska 
Ewa Szawłowska as Muzalinda and other characters 
Monika Polaczek-Przestrzelska – piano
Marcin Lemiszewski – drums 

Princess Muzalinda leaves her kingdom and embarks on a journey to Lapland – the land of Santa Claus. On this extraordinary journey, children will find out how the Santa Clause Post Office works, who helps him pack presents and what Santa’s sleigh looks like ?

Concerts for children at Lublin Philharmonic are a regular event for the young audience, including the youngest children. In this way we wish to promote the idea that it is never too early to get in contact with good music and that listening habits and participation in culture from the earliest age can educate successive generations of conscious recipients of music. Our Sunday meetings are the opportunity for Young Music Lovers to listen to vocal and instrumental music as well to take active part in performing music by playing instruments or joint singing. Our meetings with music for families take place on Sunday mornings in the concert hall of Lublin Philharmonic.

LUB-SMYKI - concerts for babies and younger children aged between 0 and 3 years. During the show, the stage is tailored to the special needs of the youngest audience. Children with their parents and guardians listen to the music sitting on the stage on specially prepared rugs. Lub-Smyki concerts are held at 10 am at Lublin Philharmonic.

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