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Miasto Movie: Blow-Up

Miasto Movie: Blow-Up
Start date 2018-10-10
Start time 19:00
Location Warsztaty Kultury, ul. Grodzka 5A
Participation for free

Blow-Up (1966)
Directed by: Michelangelo Antonioni
Running time: 111 mins

A masterpiece by Michelangelo Antonioni and one of the most important movies of the 1960s.  The Italian master of auteur cinema, after successes at home decided to make a movie in Great Britain and it was a hit. According to many critics, “Blow-up” is the artist’s peak achievement that poses the question about the role of art in the lives of humans. The movie’s main protagonist, Thomas, is a popular photographer of the fashion world. He is vain, egoistical, boasting his success. He makes audacious use of his five minutes of fame until one day, while taking photos, he captures a murder scene. From this point on, his world begins to change, reality starts to mix with fiction, borders between truth and illusion become blurred.  The protagonist is no longer sure what his camera captured. 

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