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Miasto Movie in Analogue: Dune

Miasto Movie in Analogue: Dune
Start date 2018-08-22
Start time 21:00
Location Próba Cafe, ul. Grodzka 5a – patio
Organizer Warsztaty Kultury
Participation for free
Kategoria Film

A famous adaptation of a no less famous book by Frank Herbert. When in the first half of the 1980s, the cinematic world heard that the eccentric and unpredictable producer Dino de Laurentiis  hired the no less eccentric director, David Lynch to adapt one of the most important sci-fi novels of all time, the expectations were high. Lynch, as usual, approach the task in an uncompromising way and the result divided the audience into those who accuse the filmmakers of departing too much from the book and those who thought Dune was a cinematic masterpiece. One thing that cannot be denied is that Lynch created a coherent world and created an incredible aura on screen. Excellent cast, led by Kyle MacLachlan, Sting and Sean Young, cinematography by Freddy Francis and the ambiguity and accumulation of philosophical and spiritual questions make Dune a classic in its genre. 

Dune - dir. David Lynch, running time 137’, 1984


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