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Miasto Movie: Leviathan

Miasto Movie: Leviathan
Start date 2018-05-30
Start time 19:00
Location Warsztaty Kultury, ul. Grodzka 5A
Organizer Warsztaty Kultury
Participation for free
Kategoria Film

One of the most important movies in contemporary Russian cinematography and at the same time a display of Andrey Zvyagintsev’s craftsmanship and style. The director takes us to the peripheries of contemporary Russia under Putin. The protagonist of the movie is Nikolai who, like the Biblical Job, takes blows both from the cruel, oppressive system and his nearest and dearest. Nikolai fights an uneven fight against local authorities who want to take his house. In this fight, he will be helped by his old friend, Dmitri, a lawyer  from Moscow, who can save the protagonist and his family from eviction. It quickly turns out, however, that the clash with reality will be a lot more painful than anyone could imagine. Russia is shown as the eponymous leviathan, a mythical being who devours everything on its way, squashing weak and unadapted individuals in its metal clutches. This is grand cinema that makes you think.


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