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Miasto Movie: Money Monster

Miasto Movie: Money Monster
Start date 2018-05-16
Start time 19:00
Location Warsztaty Kultury, ul. Grodzka 5A
Organizer Warsztaty Kultury
Participation for free
Kategoria Film

A bitter but very up-to-date commentary about the condition of contemporary media and the American dream. The central character is Lee Gates, a popular TV presenter and celebrity.  He’s a host of a popular show on analysing and forecasting stock market operations of Wall Street brokers. In the programme, Gates advises the viewers on what to invest in and how much but he never takes responsibility for his words. All up to a point because one of the viewers, following his advice, loses all his possessions and begins to look for culprits to blame. Armed and determined, he is terrorising the crew and goes on the air, taking Gates hostage. From now on, America watches live as the entire situation unfolds. 


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