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Miasto Movie: Nocturnal Animals

Miasto Movie: Nocturnal Animals
Start date 2018-10-31
Start time 19:00
Location Warsztaty Kultury, ul. Grodzka 5A
Organizer Warsztaty Kultury
Participation for free
Kategoria Film

Nocturnal Animals (Zwierzęta nocy), 2016
Dir. Tom Ford
Runtime: 115 minutes

Tom Ford is a real star, commonly acknowledged as the genius of the fashion world. Over the years, he earned his reputation, working, among others, as a designer for such brands as Gucci or Yves Saint Laurent before he proceeded to establish his own brand.  Hardly anyone expected that this artist would also turn out to be an excellent film director. “Nocturnal animals” is a gripping and suspenseful  star-studded thriller. The plot take places in two sets: reality, where the divorced Susan and Edward meet after many years and the fictional world of the novel written by Edward. While reading the manuscript, Susan increasingly sees elements which her ex-husband transferred from their lives into the book and it makes her feel anxious.  This is how Tom Ford begins one of the most mysterious, darker movies of recent years.

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