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NaVi Live
Start date 2018-11-16
Start time 19:00
Location Studio im. Budki Suflera w Radiu Lublin, ul. Obrońców Pokoju 2
Participation for free
Cost of participation zaproszenia do wygrania na antenie Radia Lublin i na FB

NaVi was founded in 2010. A year later, the band began collaboration with music producer Michał Grymuza. In October 2012, NaVi was hailed the Band of the Week in the "Wiesz co dobre" competition on Polish Radio 3, winning the first place in Internet users' vote. Four years after their debut album, Siedem Żyć, the band released a new album, Piorunochron. The same year, their song Został tylko wiatr was featured on a CD compilation, Lato z Radiem 2016. The following year NaVi made a comeback with the album Introspekcje released on Polish Radio Music Agency. As on previous albums, the band navigates through different musical genres. This time, typical pop-rock songs appear on the album along such diverse styles as dance and punk. Over the last years, as many as 5 songs of the band were played on Muzyczna Jedynka as songs of the day. On 24 April 2017 the band gave a live performance at the Agnieszka Osiecka Music Studio of Polish Radio to promote its third album.

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