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Recorded Faces – tactile photography workshop

Recorded Faces – tactile photography workshop
Start date 2018-10-07
Start time 14:00
Location Galeria Labirynt, ul. ks. J. Popiełuszki 5
Participation paid
Cost of participation 1 PLN

A family workshop for the families of the visually impaired.

Participants will learn about different types of portraits and also make tactile drawings and photographs depicting the accompanying family members. The class mainly involves collaborative activities with a camera and photographic creation, as well as introducing workshop participants to the topic of tactile drawing with the use of tools such as transfographs and tactile graphics.

Galeria Labirynt will provide all necessary materials.
Duration: 60 minutes
Tickets: PLN 1
BOOKING: r (please put the date and workshop name in the subject line). When registering by email, you will receive a confirmation email from the organizer. Applications are accepted by 4 p.m. on the day preceding the workshop or until booked out.

The event is part of 6th Warsaw Festival of Culture Without Barriers. 


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