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SMOK/G – premiere

SMOK/G – premiere
Start date 2018-10-21
Start time 17:00
Location Centrum Kultury w Lublinie, ul. Peowiaków 12
Participation paid
Cost of participation 10 PLN

Written and directed by: Liza Szczęśliwa

In 2023, for some unknown reason, a Dragon belonging to one of the most stinky species appeared in a little town. The beast had its lair underground, so at first nobody took notice of it. One day, however, the concentration of vapours emitted by the reptile was so high that the authorities had to officially ban going out during the hours of the Dragon's greatest activity. In spite of this, a group of daredevils decided to do something about it ... The show is only for young viewers with steel nerves!

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