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Sweet Country
Start date 2018-12-15
Start time 17:30
Location Dzielnicowy Dom Kultury SM "Czechów", ul. Kiepury 5A
Participation paid
Cost of participation PLN 12/15
Kategoria Film

Dir. W. Thornton, Australia 2017 (113’)

The plot is set in 1929 in a small town in Australia’s Northern Territory. The main character, Sam, is a middle-aged Aboriginal man who works for a local preacher, Fred Smith. One day the preacher sends Sam with his wife and daughter to work for a man called Harry Marsh. Marsh turns out to be a cruel and ill-tempered man, and his increasingly tense relationship with Sam ends up in a violent shootout in which Sam kills Harry in self-defence. As a result, Sam becomes a wanted criminal for the murder of a white man, and is forced to flee with his pregnant wife across the deadly outback. A hunting party led by the local lawman Sergeant Fletcher is formed to track Sam down…

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