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The Fabulous World of Birds

The Fabulous World of Birds
Start date 2018-05-20
Start time 17:30
Location Teatr Stary w Lublinie, ul. Jezuicka 18
Organizer Teatr Stary w Lublinie
Participation paid
Cost of participation 30 zł dla dzieci / opiekunowie wchodzą bezpłatnie

Written and directed by: Beata Bąblińska, Monika Kabacińska 
Stage and costume design: Wiktoria Wiączkowska, Małgorzata Rekusz 
In collaboration with: Bogdan Żyłkowski 
Music and percussion instruments: Tomasz Jaszyk 
Illustrations: Agnieszka Nowacka 
Cast: Beata Bąblińska, Monika Kabacińska

The production is for children aged from 1 to 6 years.

How can you tell that a bird is a bird?

Bird sounds, bird wings, bird dance ...

What does the bird from our imagination look like? Beautiful, strange, extraordinary.

The performance inspired by poems about birds will introduce children to the fabulous world of birds. All scenes are enlivened by music played on xylophone and percussion instruments.

Produced by: Poznańska Fundacja Artystyczna


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