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The Lost Soul. Opening of the Exhibition of Joanna Concejo’s Illustrations to Olga Tokarczuk’s Book

The Lost Soul. Opening of the Exhibition of Joanna Concejo’s Illustrations to Olga Tokarczuk’s Book
Start date 2018-10-05
Start time 18:00
Location Dom Słów - Izba Drukarstwa, ul. Królewska 17 / Żmigród 1
Participation for free

The exhibition is on display until November 5th, 2018.

"Once there was a man who worked a lot, and worked very fast, and left his soul far, far behind him." This sentence opens a story / fairy tale written by Olga Tokarczuk years ago. This short story served as a pretext to create an equivalent world using illustrations. This is how the unusual book "The Lost Soul" by Olga and Joanna was created, both are equal authors of the narrative, the former is responsible for the literary part and the latter for the visual side. In a dozen or so sentences Olga outlines a story about the contemporary world’s problem of hectic life and, in effect, losing our soul, while Joanna’s illustrative part resembles stop-frame moments from someone’s life, filled with expectation, benches, chairs, waiting rooms and lush plants.

In October we invite you to Joanna Concejo’s show, we ask you to stop and contemplate her unique book illustrations for "The Lost Soul." The works on display also include the author's sketchbooks.

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