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Theatre in Poland AD 2018. What Is There to Think?

Theatre in Poland AD 2018. What Is There to Think?
Start date 2018-10-13
Start time 14:00
Location Centrum Kultury w Lublinie, ul. Peowiaków 12
Organizer Centrum Kultury w Lublinie
Participation for free

Is the theatre which do not raise the problem of freedom a free theatre? Can the theatre which does not address political issues directly be qualified as a political theatre because it may be perceived as political? In a special discussion with the festival artists we want to deliberate whether today’s reality challenges them in a new way. How do they function under political pressure? What are their ills and fears? What are, in their view, the responsibilities of theatre is such times. In other words: What is there AGAIN “to think” in Polish theatre AD 2018?

The event is part of the  23rd Theatre Confrontations Festival >>>


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