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Tomasz Bielak, Jakub Ciężki, Sławomir Toman – Sick of Reality

Tomasz Bielak, Jakub Ciężki, Sławomir Toman – Sick of Reality
Start date 2018-03-23
Ending date 2018-05-06
Location Galeria Labirynt, ul. ks. J. Popiełuszki 5
Organizer Galeria Labirynt
Participation for free

The exhibition focuses on the problems of contemporary painting with a particular emphasis on the fascinating relationship between image and reality. Artists employ a variety of strategies, ranging from realistic imaging and modification based on the rules and regularities present in nature, up to definite simplifications situating paintings in the field of abstraction. The exhibition provides an overview of various forms of expression through paintings resulting from conscious reflection on the use of painting gesture, colour and composition. Thus, the show also raise the problem of paintings as media of artistic expression.

Curated by: Aleksandra Skrabek

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