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VinyLOVE Story
Start date 2018-10-12
Start time 18:00
Location Scena Teatru Muzycznego w Lublinie, ul. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 5
Organizer Teatr Muzyczny w Lublinie ul. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 5
Contact Dział sprzedaży i promocji
tel. 81 532 25 21 , tel./fax. 81 534 20 25
Kasa biletowa: 81/ 532-96-65; kom. 502-662-956
e- mail:
Participation paid
Cost of participation 52-70 zł
Kategoria Koncert

VinyLOVE Story

  • Written & Directed by: Urszula Lewartowicz
  • Arranged by: Janusz Baca
  • Music Director: Łukasz Sidoruk
  • Choreography: Piotr Mochol 
  • Stage & Costume Design: Dariusz Manel 

VinyLOVE Story is a music show set in the days of big-beat, dances and love for music. It is a journey in time to the period of vinyl records, a material symbol of a beautiful period in the development of Polish pop music.

The plot of the title VinyLOVE Story is set against a background of big-beat rhythms. It is a love story about a sailor and a high school graduate. However, it is neither touching nor sad. The adventures of the main character are spiced up with a large dose of humor and wit. Set in a holiday scenery, the plot brings to mind the moments of relaxation and rest in places with "the sound of the sea and singing birds" ...

The core of the show is made up of popular Polish hits from the late 1960s that were performed by well-known and still-celebrated artists, including Kasia Sobczyk, Karin Stanek, Helena Majdaniec, Maria Koterbska, Krzysztof Klenczon, Ryszard Poznakowski, Jerzy Matuszkiewicz, Seweryn Krajewski, Matusz Święcicki, Jerzy Połomski, Piotr Szczepanik, Bogdan Łazuka.

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