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Father Grzegorz Pawłowski was born on August 23, 1931 in a family of Orthodox Jews as Jakub Hersz Griner. He was only 8 years old when the war broke out. After graduating from high school, he entered the Lublin Theological Seminary. In 1958 he was ordained a priest. The following years were filled with pastoral work in the parishes of the Archdiocese of Lublin. In 1970, he left for Israel, where he took up the service as a Catholic priest of the Hebrew language communities and the Polish community at that time consisting of several thousand Poles, many of them from Lublin. Father Grzegorz Pawłowski was their guardian and confidant providing spiritual and material help. He often returned to Poland and willingly visited Lublin. In 2018, he was awarded the honorary citizenship of Lublin. He died on October 21, 2021 at the age of 90 in Jaffa, Israel.

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