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A long-time academic chaplain in Lublin, an anti-communist opposition activist in the Polish People's Republic. He educated and shaped young people in the spirit of patriotic and democratic values. He contributed and supported democratic opposition groups. From 1972 to 1981, Father Ludwik Wiśniewski worked in Lublin as an academic chaplain, at that time he organised discussion meetings with the participation of independent democratic circles. From 1980 he was the chaplain of Solidarity, and after December 13, 1981 he started to organise support and assistance for the repressed people. In Lublin, he was the chaplain of the European Meeting Centre - Nowy Staw Foundation and "Złota 9" Academy founder and originator - a civic service school for young people from the Lublin region. He is an Honorary Citizen of, among others, Gdańsk and Wrocław.

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