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Projects and Networks

Projects and Networks

EHL@N - European Heritage Label Network

The idea of the 'EHL@N - European Heritage Label Network' project was born out of the desire to create a partnership network serving both brand building and the dissemination of common European values of the honored entities. The City of Lublin, represented by the Office of the Municipal Conservator of Monuments, was involved in the work on the vision of the project, its goals, educational activities plan, communication and promotion strategy, etc. from the very beginning. The Burghauptmannschaft Österreich organization, which manages the Imperial Palace in Vienna and is currently the leader of the EHL@N project, was responsible for the preparation of the application, based on the working cooperation of representatives of depositaries. In autumn 2019, the project was approved for implementation and received funds for implementation from the European Commission funds under the Creative Europe programme. The entity responsible for project management within the structure of the City of Lublin is the Office of the Municipal Conservator of Monuments.

One of the specific tasks of the City of Lublin is the management, together with the Italian partner Fondazione Trentina Alcide de Gasperi, of one of the so-called Working Groups - WG1 'European Values & EHL sites - Storytelling' and running the Facebook European Heritage Label for all cities, places and facilities honored with the European Heritage Label.

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