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The European Heritage List was initiated by France during the European Cultural Meetings held in Granada in April 2006. The list, created on the model of the famous UNESCO list, serves to create a specific map of places and objects important for European identity and thus strengthening this identity.

The European Heritage Label (EHL) is awarded to those objects, both tangible and intangible, which are of fundamental importance to the history and cultural heritage of Europe. Among the first objects submitted to the European Heritage List were, among others, Acropolis, Cluny Abbey, Berlin Wall, Robert Schumann's house.

The European Heritage Label is intended to emphasize the symbolic value of objects that have played a significant role in the history and culture of Europe and in building the European Union. It also aims to improve European citizens' understanding of Europe's history and the process of building the Union, as well as of their common yet diverse cultural heritage, in conjunction with democratic values.

Additional information on the European Heritage Label can be found on the official website of the European Commission.


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