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International exchanges


Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants


The European Wergeland Centre

Sempre a frente

International exchanges

As part of the initiative, international online and offline youth exchanges will be organized with the participation of beneficiaries from Norway, Poland and Ukraine. Each year of the Initiative implementation, there will be one offline and one online exchange in Norway. Each trip to Norway will last 3 days, 35 people will participate in it. Experienced trainers will lead the activities during the exchanges.

The exchange program includes, among others workshops on building civil society, democracy and tolerance, as well as integration activities. The program will be developed together with young people. The exchanges are aimed at stimulating the activity of youth to social activities. By participating in exchanges, young people will increase their social skills, such as: cooperation in international teams, openness, respect, verbal and non-verbal communication, dealing with criticism, assertiveness, conflict resolution. A total number of people participating in offline exchanges is 70 (35 people a year) and 600 people (300 people a year) in online exchanges.

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