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Online Youth Exchanges


Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants


The European Wergeland Centre

Sempre a frente

Online Youth Exchanges

Time for Youth Exchange!

Who Can Participate in the Exchanges?

  • Individuals aged 14 to 22
  • Members of Youth Councils (in Norway, Poland, or Ukraine)


  • Individuals actively involved in school/university or other organizations

Goals of the Exchanges

The exchanges aim to:

  • Establish and strengthen new and existing relationships
  • Foster understanding of the situation of youth in other countries – recognizing both similarities and differences
  • Raise awareness and knowledge about youth participation in social life
  •  Support the identification of challenges related to youth participation and seek ways to address these challenges

Benefits of Online Exchanges

  • Increase your knowledge
  • Acquire new skills
  • Build new connections
  • Improve your English language skills
  • Spend time with people from other countries without leaving home!

Exchange Dates

The exchanges will take place from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. (CET) on the following dates:

  •     August 30th: YOUTH PARTICIPATION: What does participation mean for us?
  •     September 23rd: YOUR RIGHT TO ADVOCATE: What, how, and where can you advocate?
  •     September 24th: THE TIME WE MADE AN IMPACT: Norway after the terrorist attacks on July 22: How to prevent hate and extremism in our societies
  •     September 25th: YOUTH IN TIMES OF WAR: How did the priorities change?

Certificates of Participation

Participants will receive certificates confirming their participation in the exchanges.


For more information and the registration form, visit  the European Wergeland Centre's website.


The online exchanges are organized by the European Wergeland Centre, within the Bilateral Initiative "Youth for the City, City for the Youth – projects and initiatives to engage and act in the local communities."

The European Wergeland Center was established by the Council of Europe and Norway in 2008 to support the implementation of the Council of Europe policy in EU Member States. The Center is located in Oslo, Norway, but also has regional offices in Ukraine, Greece and Bosnia and Herzegovina. EWC is a resource center for democracy, citizenship, human rights and intercultural understanding. The Center offers training and educational programs aimed at young people, as well as people and entities involved in education in the above-mentioned areas.

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See YOUth!



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