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About the Academy


Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants


The European Wergeland Centre

Sempre a frente

About the Academy

Academy of Cross-Border Cooperation is a unique program aimed at supporting young people in developing the skills necessary for effective international cooperation.


The mission of the Cross-Border Cooperation Academy is to support young leaders in acquiring and developing key skills necessary for effective international cooperation, as well as to strengthen their engagement in the development of local communities. globally.


The Academy aims to create an inspiring and supportive environment where young people from different countries can learn, exchange experiences, and build lasting relationships.

Specific Objectives:

1. Leadership Development - the Academy aims to develop participants' leadership skills, such as team communication, creative thinking, project management, and public speaking. Participants learn how to effectively lead groups and achieve goals in an international context.

2.Support for International Cooperation - through workshops, study visits, and projects, participants gain the knowledge and experience necessary for international initiatives. The Academy promotes collaboration among young leaders from different countries, fostering cultural exchange and creating global networks.

3. Engagement in Local Development - the Academy emphasizes the importance of engagement in local communities. Participants learn how to use their skills and knowledge to address local issues and implement projects that benefit their own communities.

4. Building Lasting Relationships - the Academy provides a space for participants to establish long-term relationships with other young leaders. Through joint activities and projects, participants have the opportunity to build a support network and collaborate, which can bring benefits in the future.

5. Inspiration and Motivation - the Academy aims to inspire young people to take initiatives for local and international communities. By presenting best practices and successful project examples, participants are motivated to take action and implement their own ideas.

The Cross-Border Cooperation Academy is an investment in the future of young leaders and their communities. Through the skills gained and relationships formed, participants will be better prepared to face the challenges of the contemporary world, both locally and

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