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Lublin 4 All project

Lublin 4 All project
"Lublin for All", implemented by the Mayor's Office in 2012-2014, was an attempt to face the challenge of integration of foreigners. Together with the Swiss canton Neuchatel, a participatory system of diversity management in Lublin was built and tested.
The following activities were carried out within the project:

For the purpose of the campaign, we decided to support the project that was already implemented by Oksana Tsymbaliuk, Ukrainian photographer and artist and the author of "Faces of Lublin" Facebook project. For three months in 2014, she agreed to portrait residents of Lublin, focusing on showing the multicultural face of the city. Each portrait is accompanied with a conversation with the models, where the questions about multicultural heritage and future of Lublin are being answered. All the photographs together with the interviews are gathered on the L4A website.

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