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Activities & Promotion


EOG Funds

Activities & Promotion

The project includes the following activities:


Promotional activities were carried out in accordance with the project communication plan. On the websites of Lublin Municipality and and Reykjavik City Hall partners posted information about the project, including the source and amount of financing, project partners, goals and activities. In June 2022, information about teachers' study visit in Reykjavik appeared on the schools' FB and the website: In the fall 2022, the Lublin City sent a message to media reminding about the project and announcing the upcoming conference. The message was sent to: TVP Lublin, RMF FM, Radio Zet, Radio Lublin, Radio Centrum, Radio Tok FM, Dziennik Wschodni, Kurier Lubelski, Gazeta Wyborcza, Fakt, Spotted Lublin,, Ultimately, the information appeared in Kurier Lubelski and was broadcast on Radio Lublin.

As part of promotional activities, Lublin schools participating in the project created a separate tab on their websites where they informed about the project steps. Additionally, each school sent emails to parents about the project via official school e-journal and described the project assumptions on Parents and Teachers Councils. On March 3, 2023, during the opening of a project conference, a press conference was organized with Mr. Jan Hernik, representative of the Embassy of Iceland in Warsaw, Mr Mariusz Banach, Deputy Mayor of Lublin, and project partners from Lublin and Reykjavik. The conference enjoyed great interest and was widely commented on social media. Additionally, a brochure about the project was created in Polish and English versions. The brochure is available on partners' sites in a PDF format.

Education is a relationship. Lublin and Reykjavik cooperation for education

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