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De Mono
Data rozpoczęcia 2018-01-12
Godzina rozpoczęcia 19:00
Miejsce Studio Muzyczne Radia Lublin
Udział Bezpłatny
Koszt udziału zaproszenia do wygrania na antenie Radia Lublin
Kategoria Koncert

De Mono evolved from a band called Mono founded in 1984 by guitarist Marek Kościkiewicz, bassist Piotr Kubiaczyk and drummer Dariusz Krupicz. In 1987 the band was joined by guitarist Jacek Perkowski, saxophonist Robert Chojnacki and vocalist Andrzej Krzywy. All members agreed that the new lineup marked a new beginning and thus required both a new name for the band and new songs. Kościkiewicz suggested the name De Mono.

Marek Kościkiewicz, known as a talented composer and creator of hit songs, wrote lyrics and together with the rest of the band composed new songs. Following a few months of rehearsals, the band gave the first concert in Warsaw. Their debut album, Kochać inaczej, was released in 1989. The album won many awards. Following albums, Oh Yeah !, Stop, Abrasax, Play and De Luxe, secured the group's position on the Polish music scene. After the release of De Best in 2004, Andrzej Krzywy left the band.

In Lublin, the band will perform in the following line-up: Tomasz Korpanty (vocal), Marek Kościkiewicz (guitar), Robert Chojnacki (saxophone), Wojtek Wójcicki (keyboards), Darek Krupicz (drums), Łukasz Przesmycki (bass).