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Juliusz Osterwa Theatre

Juliusz Osterwa Theatre
Address: Gabriela Narutowicza 17
Telephone: +48 815 322 935
The theatre was built between 1884-86 in an eclectic style, according to the design of arch. Karol Kozłowski. Despite several renovation projects carried out, the building preserved its original architectural features from fin de siecle times, apparent in the building's facade and the interior design of the hall and auditorium. The masters of the Polish theatre scene have played here: Juliusz Osterwa, Aleksander Zelwerowicz, Stefan Jaracz, Ludwik Solski, Helena Modrzejewska, Mieczysława Ćwiklińska and Ryszarda Hanin. The theatre, which puts on great performances by excellent artists, is one of the most important cultural centres of the Lublin and Lubelszczyzna region.

Events (184) see all

04-03-2015 11:00
31-10-2014 10:00
31-10-2014 12:00
10-11-2013 17:00
09-11-2013 17:00
08-11-2013 11:00
07-11-2013 12:00
07-11-2013 10:00
07-11-2013 14:00
06-11-2013 11:00
16-10-2013 11:00
16-10-2013 13:00
18-04-2013 11:00
17-04-2013 11:00
17-04-2013 19:00
20-03-2013 11:00
20-03-2013 19:00
08-10-2009 11:00
07-10-2009 11:00
27-09-2009 19:00
26-09-2009 19:00
25-09-2009 19:00
14-06-2009 19:00
13-06-2009 19:00
12-06-2009 19:00
10-06-2009 19:00
09-06-2009 19:00
07-06-2009 19:00
05-06-2009 19:00
24-05-2009 19:00
19-03-2009 18:00
18-03-2009 11:00
19-02-2009 09:00
19-02-2009 09:00
19-02-2009 12:30
18-02-2009 12:30
18-02-2009 09:00
15-02-2009 18:00
14-02-2009 18:00
13-02-2009 18:00

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